Friday, September 25, 2009

Ups, downs, biopsies...

I had a great start to the week. PT on the shoulder has me lifting weights pain-free (about 60% of what I was before the bike crash). The Doc has not given me clearance to run, but walking is not even slightly painful. So I jumped on the treadmill, cranked it up to 15% (the maximum), and went for a mile walk. That is 20 minutes and was a good workout. So, I did it again the next day, and it felt great. I was not running, but I was perspiring harder than I had in a long time. And all I could think of was Diane Farmer's successful ST 100 training... Cranks the treadmill high and walks til you die. I felt like I could walk another mile but wanted to ease in...

Then I woke the third morning and did not feel pain, but my knee was bruised. I hit on something, but I have no clue what that may have been. It looks like a vampire bit me! The bruise is over the size of a dollar coin! Oh well, I had to take time to do other things anyway, as I am a referee for the NCAA Regional and had to get the draws set up.

Besides the NCAA Tennis referee thing, I have had some problems in my esophagus; I have been hoarse for some time, and as reported earlier, I went to the Doc and got medicines to cure the pain. But my throat was not better at all. Today, I had an Upper GI endoscopy, sometimes called EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy). This was intended to be a visual examination of the upper intestinal tract. There were unexplained growths. So, several biopsies were taken, and now I get to wait a few weeks for the results. (Should I have asked Steve for a few to analyze? I think he loves that stuff...) Sucks, but I think of Don (Check out his blog about running or the blog about his illness) and many others who have much more demanding issues and realize I am blessed to have had so few issues my whole life!

I've been posting a picture a day on the other blog. It's hard to find or take really cool pictures each day, although the one from earlier this week is just cool. What a great idea Emily had! I would have liked to see the look on Steven's face, whoever he is!

I am preparing for winter. I am looking forward to the cold weather. I'm not sure why, but I like that crisp air in my lungs; that sense of tranquility from the white of newly fallen snow, and I want to get through 2009. It hasn't been a good year. Last time I had a bad year, I had a few outstanding years. I'm looking forward to that.

Carry on!


Kel said...

Sending you good thoughts to end 2009 on a high note :)

Beth said...

I'm so glad that you are healing and walking pain free. Interesting about the bruise but good that it didn't hurt. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your biopsy. I hate waiting for results... sorry you have to wait so long.