Sunday, June 5, 2022

Six month's later

I need to get better at writing just to realize time is flying.  I miss getting my thoughts down frequently.  Not so much for others but for my own mental health.  The worst part is that I get frustrated daily with how our country has become divided.  What is wrong with people?  As many know, Trump is a bully who lies, cheats, and does what it takes to get his way.  For that, some friends refuse to talk to me.  I have a co-worker who thinks Trump is the savior.  We speak often, and while I may never understand her support, I accept that, and we remain friends.  Unfortunately, that is no longer the way society is.

After running, I loved volunteering for others in races.  Then, one year, I stopped.  Why?  About the same reason as politics.  As a volunteer, I met more and more ungrateful people.  AT the Superior 100, I had a runner threaten to punch my lights out because they were over 90 minutes past the cut-off, and I needed to take the tracker.  Lost all enjoyment.  It is a shame, but I hear others say the same about volunteering.  I had a friend coaching a 6th-grade baseball team, and a parent shoved him because his kid was not at the top of the order.  I often hear how these youth programs have difficulty finding coaches as the asshole parents are the last to step up; it would interfere with their hateful tendencies toward others.

We are coming up on the Grandma's Marathon date again.  Hard to believe the last one was eight years ago.  It was challenging, but it was my 30th year, and I did run it with my son.  That was the end of the running for me.  It was not enjoyable, only work.  Benn getting out on the bike more.  Although I rotate from e-bike to non-e-bike, I wear a monitor to keep my heart rate above 115 BPM.  I still average a heart rate of 125-130 BPM for a ride.  To date, I am just under 1,400 miles.  

I had a little fun with a photo enhancer to make me look younger.  The enhancer removed the aged face and lines.  The hair and beard were not touched.  Is this not back for an old guy?

I mean, kids now get a sticker on each correct worksheet, a certificate for participation, a free theme park ticket for reading, and the more wrapping paper you sell for the PTA or cookies for Girl Scouts, the more prizes you get; if you read, you get a pizza... Play on a rec sports team?  We all get a trophy.  It's your birthday?  Come pick a prize.  Did you attend a party?  You get a goodie bag.  When will we get back to the facts!  Your team didn't win?  You don't get a trophy. 

While motivational tools and incentives have a time and a place, we have a generation of kids who feel entitled to whatever they want whenever they want.  Sure, not all kids.  But too many kids think they deserve a trophy for showing up.  Unfortunately, you will not get a medal, certificate, prize, or ribbon for doing what you should do anyway.  It starts with parents realizing they are not perfect, and neither will their kids.  And no, you do not get a trophy just because you showed up.

I am tired of dealing with young adults who grew up getting a trophy for showing up.  Unfortunately, some's entitled attitude creates a wrong impression.  If I do not praise one person almost daily, you would think they would emotionally fall apart.  As long as I go out of my way to make them feel successful a few times daily, I must do the work myself, as they can't function.  I wish that statement was a joke, but it is far from it.

I did take a few hours and had some fun with the dog and treats.  See the photos below!

Other than that, it always seems the same: I work too much and enjoy life too little, and I pray that work does not kill me to enjoy retirement.  I am nearing 1 million minutes before I retire. It will be here soon.  I will write more, even if it is not read.  It is suitable for mental health, and who has not needed it after the past few years?

Carry on, my friends, carry on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’m reading. Have for years. Take care of yourself and keep on the bike. Best wishes. Dave Dehart