Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

That heavy wind and whooshing noise you hear is fast-paced life steaming towards the end of another year.  Some tell me it is 20 below zero wind, called Minnesota weather.  But I know better.

My, how time has flown. As I age, each year goes faster. When I was young, a year seemed like forever; now, a year is almost like a week.

I’m not complaining because life is what we make of it, and 2013 was a very poor effort.  I’m not going to crow about stuff that happened or whine about how my health suffered and left me struggling for many days. No, I will just say a loud ‘Thank You’ to all of you for being part of my life and your friendship and support.

The highlight of 2013 was finishing my 29th consecutive Grandma’s Marathon. It was a strange race, with the fog so bad that I missed most of the mile markers. But then, I found the race easier, not knowing where I was, and kept pushing onward. The picture below shows the conditions.

My workout effort and bike miles were less than half the year before. In 2012, I recorded over 250 hours working out or exercising and logged just under 3,000 miles on the bike. That averaged over 40 minutes each day, and I thought that was acceptable. But 2013 was pathetic. I had just over 110 hours (an average of 18 minutes a day) and logged less than 1,500 miles on the bike. I need to find time for myself.

Not to make excuses, but 2013 had so many changes. In late 2012, I was promoted to a supervisory role. With this came performance reviews and discipline. In 2013, it required letting a staff member go for various simple things they would not resolve. I also felt like I was not getting anywhere personally. Self-pity could be a reason.

I upgraded my camera equipment and was pleased.  I purchased a Nikon D600 (Full Frame) camera, a Nikon 70-200 2.8 lens, a Tamron 10-24 3.5, and a Nikon 50 1.4.  I also picked up an Epson R3000 and printed many pictures at home.  Some of my favorite pictures are shown below.


Passing 50 caused a moment of reflection.  Looking back, I realize that I made many mistakes and know it is impossible to go back and change.  I know my son is doing well and seems happy.  My ex-wife appears very happy, and that is wonderful.  She is still among the best friends anyone could ever ask for, and I often miss that.  Funny how when you marry a friend, things change.  She deserves to be happy as she nears her mid-40s 40’s.  Things happen for a reason, but as I have written in the past, I am still searching for some things that should have a reason, but I just do not understand.

I also spent much of 2013 thinking about dear friends who passed too soon.  Hard to believe my nephew, who died at three years old, was almost 25 years ago.  I still mourn the loss of Dana, my running partner and great friend, in 2005 -2006, before she was killed in a bicycle accident.  For some reason, I still recall vividly the image of David Prudlick (a high school friend who was killed my senior year).  I also think often of Cutis Arthur Almond, the professor who believed in me and gave me the confidence to pursue my graduate work.  May they, and many others, rest in peace. 

I sincerely hope 2014 brings you all good health and much happiness.  I know I will have to fight the fluid in the brain issue and the recurring infection, which has really sidelined me recently.  The Prednisone, Levaquin, and other steroids really play hell with me.  At times, I just want to give up.  Then I remembered that it was not an admirable option.

After all, we’re here for a limited time—not always a long time! Cherish your ability to go for a run and enjoy the outdoors. As we age, those wonderful experiences do not come easy. But then, if everything were easy, what would have to keep up going? It is the challenge and the success that make it all rewarding.

I do not have goals for 2014. One thought is to enjoy my son's Graduation with his Master's Degree and then possibly ride a bicycle from Denver home. That is just less than 900 miles. It would be a really difficult ride, but one that could be a lifetime of memories! 

Happy New Year, and Carry on, my friends.