Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Every Minute things happen...

As we near the end of this decade, I came across a picture that shows 20 things that happen each minute of each day. So these happened 3 times while I did this post... These include:

1) The average American household makes $0.096, whereas Oprah makes $523
2) 250 babies are born, 113 into poverty and 15 with birth defects
3) Someone working in a Nike Factory in Vietnam makes $0.0014, and Nike makes $36,505
4) 55,757 barrels of oil are used

WOW. There are many more startling statistics out there, but I ran into this and quickly shared it. Click on the photo for better resolution.

On the running (or walking and workout) update, I did 40 minutes at 15% incline and 3.3 MPH and felt OK.  I will keep doing what I can as life is busy, which is good. We had another employee leave our office for another job, and in these times, we are not replacing the positions, so we are not down from 6 to 4 in my position. Fortunately, the economy is not horrible, but we are now busy.

In closing, it was sad that the running community lost a good friend to many. Cynthia Brockman passed after battling cancer. Having only met her once, I never really got to know her. Although I followed her cancer battle at her Caring Bridge site. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/cynthiabrochman. As I have written before, blogs let us know a person and feel their trials and tribulations without ever meeting and spending time with them. I wrote about this a while back: http://runlondell.blogspot.com/2009/08/what-is-blog-and-why-blog.html. There is also a great post about her at http://runningminnesota.blogspot.com/2009/05/cynthia-brochman.html as well at http://www.snowshoemagazine.com/viewContent.cfm?content_id=582.

Death of a loved one is always hard to accept. I have had many friends pass on in the past, including two great high school friends in an auto accident in 1980, the suicide of a college friend in 1990, and many others over the years. Most recently, in 2006, I lost a great friend, and I wrote about her a few times.  Most recently, when I explained, she was one of the reasons I finished my post with Carry On. http://runlondell.blogspot.com/2008/08/carry-on-all-you-quiet-dreamers-carry.html

In times like these, when we lose ones we cherish, there is little we can do but remember their energy, smiles, zest for life, and carry on. I remember the one time I met Cynthia, and she had a one-in-a-million smile and loved life. Something I need to remember more often is that life is precious, and I need to cherish the time I have more often. I wish you all a great 2010 and beyond!

Carry on!


Beth said...

A lot to think about in this post. Those are indeed startling statistics. You were lucky to meet Cynthia and I was sorry to hear about her passing. I thought Chad's interview of her was very inspiring.

Helen said...

Happy New Year Londell! I hope 2010 brings you back to running strong and keeping healthy. I didn't know Cynthia but had read Chad's interview also and saw many people running in her honour at various races this year. It certainly brings new meaning to all that we have and can do.

Karen G said...

happy new year- hope to see you out on the trails this year.