Monday, December 21, 2009

Vitamin D is in the news again...

"Vitamin D may be tied to weight loss." This headline caught my eye today.

When I read things like this, I think of the millions of Americans who will flock to the drug store and take large doses of Vitamin D, thinking they will lose weight. But as little as 10 to 15 minutes of sunshine, at least three times a week is enough to manufacture your body's vitamin D requirement, so the professionals say…

But what is funny about this for me is when I was diagnosed with low Vitamin D in April of this year. How could that be, as I was in the sun for hours each day! I soon discovered extended aerobic exercise depletes Vitamin D... I was exhausted with muscular weakness, fatigue, nervousness, irritability, excessive thirst, headache, and itchy skin. The doctor found that my blood test showed dangerously low Vitamin D levels. Then I went on intensive therapy and took lots of vitamin D, 50,000 units once a week.

By the second week, the symptoms went away, and I started working out again and having energy after eating. After five weeks, the symptoms started coming back. I learned that the symptoms of a deficiency are not much different from those of an excessive amount, so I had to balance.

What is true is I lost weight. About 2.5 pounds a week for 4 weeks. Then I started feeling fatigued and unable to workout. I was looking toward food to get my body feeling good again. I gained 4 pounds in one week. Looking back, I saw that I could work out more and eat less once I was balanced in Vitamin D (and other nutrients). This is not part of this research, but from my experience, vitamin D did not lose more weight for me, but feeling better and working out comfortably lost the weight. All that was a result of proper balanced nutrition, not sucking down Vitamin D.

Of course, my findings are not scientific, but I found that an overall nutritional balance is important for success—not just one vitamin or mineral. It's just something to think about.

I have been working out regularly and have not been dropping weight quickly, but it is down 2 pounds since I last wrote on December 3. I am comfortable with two workouts a day, three times a week, and one on other days. The workouts are 30-45 minutes of cardio and weights afterward, for a total of an hour each time. I have not played tennis for two weeks, and I have been able to get other things done, which helps to reduce stress during the Holidays.

My son got here last Thursday, and it is sure nice to have him here for a while. The place is much smaller than we had before he went to college, but it is workable. He will be here for a few weeks, then back to Colorado. So much in life takes a second fiddle while I have him here, and I can enjoy his company. If I do not post until 2010, I wish you all health and wellness during the Holidays. Oh yes, and World Peace.

(Inside Joke for Miss Congeniality lovers!)

Carry on...


Bill S said...

Enjoy your son, enjoy the holidays and keep up the good work with the workouts.

Beth said...

I probably don't get enough vitamin D, I will look into taking some. Thanks for the information. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season with your son and continued good luck with your workouts.

Karen G said...

Extra Vit D is something I keep thinking I need to take but keep putting it off. I am such a skeptic with everything.
Hope you had a nice Holiday with your son.

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!