Monday, January 4, 2010

&^$*#(@ and Vitamin D again...

I decided not to weigh myself after I had lost 2 pounds in three weeks, which included Thanksgiving. I felt good about that. I did today. I had not stepped on the scale for the past three weeks. Well, I am up 8 pounds in the three weeks since I last weighed for a 6-pound gain since November 1... OUCH. I have gained 75% of the weight I lost in 2005/2006. I have no clue what is up with that as I try, but it seems to be issue after issue...

I am not going to get too caught up on it as I have felt bloated and think it may be a sodium/water thing or just that I have been working out more, and in the past, I found I would go up and then shoot down more than up a little and plateau and then drop quick and so on. Doing over 30 minutes at 15% incline or a hard 40 minutes on the elliptical is much easier. This was not the case in November, so I know I am stronger.

My son had a check-up last week. We got blood test results back today, and they say he has a Vitamin D deficiency. I wonder if this is just a medical fad if there has been a change in blood tests lately, or if something strange is happening. Now, he is in Colorado and gets outside often—more sun than most. That is now over 20 people I know who have been told they have a Vitamin D deficiency. Puzzling...

In closing, I am preparing myself for the Biggest Loser season, which starts tomorrow night. There is a father-daughter from Minneapolis on the show. O'Neal Hampton Jr. (U.S. Postal Service station manager), age 51, weighed 359 pounds at 5 foot 11 inches. His daughter, SunShine Hampton (a waitress), was 24 and weighed 275 pounds at 5 foot 6 inches. They are stated to be from Minneapolis. Some segments were filmed in Moir Park in Bloomington and the Mall of America. O'Neal dines at Rudolfs BBQ as a "last supper" in October. Some of you readers hate this show, but it is one of the few I watch and usually enjoy. I have a DVR, and I turn it on at 7 PM and then rewind it at 8 PM and watch fast-forwarding through the commercials, and I am normally back to live TV by 9. They have so many ads.

Carry on!


Diane said...

I think you're right in thinking the Vit D thing is a new "fad" diagnosis. Not to say that there is no truth in it. And I take a Vit D supplement, too.

You've been working hard on your workouts and improving and that's important and good. It's not only about the weight (although that would be nice, too!)

Unknown said...

Those two people on the show are my Dad and Sister, they are from Richfield MN and the "last supper" was at The Market BBQ. Thanks for the support! :)

SteveQ said...

Don't count me as a hater of the show! I do have my problems with it, but it's interesting and some get inspired by it, which is a good thing.

I recently ran with a guy who got passed by you in a race. He told me that he was thinking, "I can't let that fat guy beat me." Then he thought, "You know, he's a pretty good runner. He can beat me. It's okay."

Bill S said...

You're doing fine. I always remind myself in my own weight loss/general fitness goals that it's "a process, not an event". Be honest with yourself, keep doing the right things and you'll reach your goals. It's not about perfection, but progress, which are making. My own recent weight loss has come from KNOWING my daily caloric limit (if you don't know where you are going, how will you know when you are there?), writing it down....and forgiving myself for being human.
Sincerely, a Short Fat German Runner.

Londell said...


I take that as a compliment. I have always found running easier than many other things (Like weight control).


Thanks for the Note... I am excited for them. I am sure I will grow to know them on screen? If they find they like running, trail running is fun and there are so many great people. Would love to run with them in the spring and hear about the experience?

Bill S said...

..sorry, meant to say, "which YOU are making"

wildknits said...


have a bit of insight on the Vitamin D thing as I work in health care. I think there was a recent study in my area looking at Vitamin D levels in folks and discovering that many,many people in northern climates are deficient. Many reasons for this - lack of sunlight being one, but use of sunscreens being another (compounds our long seasons of short days). They have also discovered that Vit. D deficiency can lead to alot of other issues (as you well know). So yes, it is a new thing to test for it more routinely. But the rules for deficiency seem to be pretty hard and fast - at least with the lab we use ;->

Anonymous said...

Hi Londell,

This is Karyn, "Westy"'s wife. I have followed your blog since Mike started blogging and have always related to your weight struggles. Between 2001-2003, I put on 40 pounds even though I was running and exercising 5-7 days per week and was not eating any differently than I had been. Actually, I was eating more healthy foods and taking in less calories but was still unable to lose any weight. Years of dr.s, nutritionist, increased exercise, etc. did not provide any answers. In March of 2009, an aquaintance introduced me to USANA products. (I have no financial interest in the company.) I began using their nutritional meal supplements which are based on a low glycemc index. For the first time in almost 8 years, I finally started losing weight. I lost about 35 pounds in 5 months and have been able to keep it off by eating low glycemic load foods - some of which are very different than what we are told are "healthy" foods. Let me know if you are interested in hearing more about it as I'm thinking this may be a key for you as it was for me.


Wayne said...

Here's to a great 2010 for you, Londell... and I'm looking forward to seeing you at as many races/gatherings as possible (whether we're running, volunteering, taking pictures, whatever)!