Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cold and Flu

I am out of commission... For the past three weeks, I have been fighting pain in the midsection, which moved all over. Made it very hard to work out. Went to the Doctor, and he thought I may have a sports hernia, but I do not understand how Icy Hot helps a sports hernia? But Icy Hot helps a bunch. It is a groin strain. It feels better this week, but I am now down with a cold...

I have not had a cold and flu this hard in years, and I have not left work sick in years. Today was too much. Some think it is from running outside all week last week, even on the 20-below days, but I started feeling bad on Saturday Morning and did not run Friday. Either way, it is slushy outside, and I am stuck inside. Bummer, but at least I did get quality time in last week.

Even though I want to train as I enjoy it now, I can not... I am not getting worried about that issue as I am leaving for Germany in three weeks. When I return, we can get set for all the outside trail running... Yippee...


Karen G said...

Sorry your feeling sick. What a great time of year to be going to Germany or rather to leave MN, it should be nice by the time you get back.

Mike W. said...

Get healthy and then have a great time in Germany.