Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Seems like a little, but it is a lot….

A Sunday came, and a Sunday went with only ½ pound weight loss this week, which is strange as I feel lighter and stronger.  It could be that I beat myself up with the weights, biked, and ran hard, and I could be a little swollen.  Sometimes, a good day of rest results in a 5-pound weight loss.  Always baffled me when that happens.  I am not going to get hung up on the weight.  It will come off once I get the base back up to 40 miles or more a week.  Right now, staying healthy and shaking this cold is the priority.


While many of the ultra group snowshoe and love it, I never caught the knack…  It could be at 250 pounds, and I would sink anyway (haha), so I run outside when I can, mainly on the roads.  As I said, I am still trying to shake this cold with which I started the year.  The coughing and wheezing are annoying, but I will keep plugging on.  I had my mileage up to 27 last week, which is not much compared to many, but I also had 100 miles of biking.  Slow to build back up, but I found from years of experience that slow is good.


I am anxious about the upcoming races. At this time, I plan on the 50K in Kansas City on February 9. My girlfriend has a lifelong friend she will visit while I complete the race. From what I hear, it should be quite a bit of a challenge. All I can keep doing is working out, increasing the pace and miles, and waiting for the days I can be back on the trials. 

1 comment:

Adam said...

Hey Londell,
I have the same experience with weight loss. Just when I should be lighter than ever I'll weigh 2 pounds more than the week before. I hit plateaus that don't budge for a while, then I blow through them out of nowhere. I'm with you and quit keeping track so closely.

Are you coming back to EP on Feb 2? Hope to see you there.