Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Busy, lost and confused

Been working 65 to 70 hour weeks for over three months now.  I looked back and have only had 8 of the last 90 days days off from work and yes that includes Saturday and Sundays.  So little bike riding or taking care of myself.

Although my hands are about 80 percent back to normal from the long ride in May.  I need to get some time for myself.  While I am not sick of life, I really feel I have lost life all for the sake of a job that no one could care of my efforts.  I wonder if this is what goes through the minds of the dozen people I know who took their own lives in the past few years?

I had seen the video below posted and I watched it.  Not once, not twice but six straight times.  Really impacting, at least to me.  We are filled with greed and what is in it for me society.  That needs to change!!!

All I know is shortness of breath and chest tightness are regular daily issues with the stress of life and work.  I really do not see an end to this but there has to be...  Somewhere out there...  The sky is blue?

Carry on my friends....

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