Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Life repeats itself.

I slept relatively well Monday night. I was up at six and went to a 7:30 AM dental visit. The roads were very icy, so I just made it on time. What sucks is they have been nursing this one tooth for the past three years, and now they say I should have a crown. However, insurance will not cover a crown for a tooth worked on in the past five years. So screw them. I will nurse it along for 52 months and let them pay then… It's pretty dumb, but so is $1,200 for a crown. WTF… You may want to look for other dentists.

Work sucks! I hate going to work on weekdays and getting further behind each day to go in on Saturday and Sunday to catch up… It just is not right. On Tuesday night, I ate really bad. I should know better! Why do I eat and get so fat? I do not get it, but I eat from strew so often… This needs to stop, and I need to get back on track. Running a mile seems hard!

Wednesday was not much better. Life repeats daily, except I am aging and gaining a few pounds each month. That is stupid to think if I did not gain weight, I would not be living. But that is the only thing that seems to change! Oh well, head to bed at 8:15 PM, and as usual, I expect to fall asleep after about an hour or more. I need to get my crap together! Enough is enough, isn’t it...

Carry on my friends, carry on!

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