Monday, January 28, 2013

Feel like Bill Murrey - Groundhog Day

Saturday, I woke at 4 AM and was tired. I went to work until 2:00 and then rushed home. I had a wedding to attend. I hate attending weddings. There is no middle road in a wedding. They are either people who are so in love or together—not talking about the bride and groom but the people who attend the wedding. This was a classic case of those who transferred from one to the other throughout the night. This happened right before my eyes. Then you see the “life of the party,” but you can tell it is all a front. I am sure when he goes home, he is an introvert—just my perception. I am getting better at reading people as I get older. It was 11 PM before I got home and went to bed. It may not seem bad for an average person, but getting less than 9 hours of sleep over the past two days is exhausting.

On Sunday, I woke with an average night's rest. I was up at 7:30 and worked on some photo editing. Later in the day, my girlfriend and I went to an Ice Carving competition. It was pretty cool. No, it's not temperature, but seeing the art in action is neat. The weather turned, and it was sleet and ice, and the roads were terrible! Fortunately, the drive home was not as bad as it could have been!

I had to deal with issues with my child on Sunday. There was an issue with medical expenses. Part of being a dad! I needed to sleep, so I took a solid dose of Nyquil and went to bed.

I sleep well from about 10:30 PM to 6:00 AM. However, I had a Nyquil hangover. I dragged myself to work, and then throughout the day, I was tired… I left work at 5 PM and came home to try to relax. There was just too much spinning in my mind. I have not worked out for three days, which is not good. I need to get on track. I have no idea what the hell is going on in this mind! I am older and lazier!

I will ensure I get a lunch and after-work workout tomorrow. I have to do that! I also really need to keep my diet in order. Logging and analysis take time but are well worth the effort. That is easy to say, but I have sucked at implementing good thoughts and words...

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