Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Am I a slacker!

This morning, I woke at about 5 AM. I was not ready to get up and was very tired! I tried rather hard to go back to sleep, but finally, at about 6:45, I decided to get up. I went to the office and worked throughout the day. It was a hectic day, and I skipped lunch. I need to stop skipping lunch. After work, a co-worker was looking for encouragement to work out. I decided to go to the workout room, where I did the elliptical machine for 30 minutes. I completed 4.1 miles. It was a challenging workout.

After the workout, I returned to the office for about 45 minutes. I tried to get caught up from the day, but I just could not. My stress level has been relatively high. As a result, I am almost at my peak ever weight. When I was 15 years old, I once peaked at 298 pounds. In 2005, I peaked at 299 pounds. At my last check-up, I weighed in at 293 pounds. That is 84 pounds heavier than my low weight in 2006 and 127 pounds heavier than when I was 24.

Besides the very stressful job, my adult child has been a little more complicated. Although my child is in their 20’s, in graduate school, and should be more respectable, they are not. He will often go without responding to calls or text messages. I would like to know that everything is going okay during this time of stress. He is juggling a sports team, an internship, and graduate school. These are very difficult and are overly stressful as well. His health has been okay but could be better. He is also worried about relationships. Recently, within the last year, He broke up with a long-term mate of several years and met another relationship, and after five months!

Kids continue to be a parent’s pride and joy for years after they’ve flown the nest. However, the pleasure parents can experience from a grown child’s success cuts both ways. When adult children divorce, struggle financially, abuse drugs, or have similar life problems, it can have a significant impact on parents’ mental health and satisfaction. If you throw into the mix that people are worried about finances, any other issue that’s already there, like an ill child or a disabled child, is going to be magnified that much more.

I struggled significantly raising my child by myself. His mother had moved a thousand miles away after we divorced. I have done everything possible to ensure my child's success, but I sometimes think I failed. This stresses me as much as everything else. But you cannot change what you might’ve said, done, or addressed something. You have to live with that!  Yet that is life.

Carry on my friends, Carru ON!

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