Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grave visits?

Since there is little running going on in my life (I am finding a slow recovery from Grandma's), I have been letting my mind wander. Although it is not uncommon for my mind to be all over the place, could it be ADD?

My son is back from Alaska. It was funny. He did not shave the whole time, and shaving 8 days of growth was an experience—a first for him. I could only smile. He did have a great time. I am so proud of him and the comfort he has in travel and life. Now, if I can only get his car out of the garage.

Now, what was this post about... It could be many things... my weight is now over 270... But I still did several runs of 3-4 miles each at 12 minutes miles... So, it's alright! I really need to get this under control!!! Stress is a big reason. But I was writing about something else... Oh yeah, grave visiting.

I was watching Forrest Gump Sunday, and near the show's end, I was really struck by something. He was standing at Jenny's grave and talking to her like she was there. He left a letter from little Forrest for her to read. Made me think.

I always get a strange aura when I visit Fort Snelling or other graveyards. I read the markers, and so many thoughts ran through my head—some wonderful, some sad, some strange. So I was thinking, I have never, as long as I recall, visited a grave site of someone I know. I was really struck by this.

I started to think of Dana and how she was taken from this earth early. Then again, was she. I often think of the words from the Pastor when my 3-year-old nephew died. His words were Gods plan for Aaron's life was three years or Dana 36 years, they lived those years fully. That Pastor emphasized that life being short is all due to the expectations we place on life.

Do I buy into this? I do not know. It is all confusing...

Watching Forrest Gump speak to Jenny makes me think about how life can change at any time. It makes me want to take a trip to Portland to visit the grave of a dear friend just to talk. I miss her and need to speak to her. It is strange to have this feeling, but Kayak.com has some reasonable prices. Now I need to coordinate the tennis and work, and I may be happy, and the hole in my chest will be less of a hole.

Isn't it strange how the littlest thing can trigger emotions? But without emotions, where does that leave us? Well, for me, fat is emotional eating. Well, I am feeling positive about the steps I am taking, and that gives me hope.

Hope all is well in this hot July as you train for many races. I will not race this year but look forward to Superior 100. I am trying to get out of a tennis assignment to volunteer!

Until then, or another post, carry on, my friends...


SteveQ said...

I visit some grave sites and others I don't. 29 years since my fiancee died and I've never been to hers, but I stop by my parents' when I'm in the area.

btw, my dad grew up at Ft. Snelling, when it was still a military base!

Beth said...

Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies. His love for her despite all of her ups and downs is inspiring.