Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sad, quiet and slow...

The blog world has slowed. It could be the weather or just that most people are repairing after a hard summer season. Jobs, family, health, or other things are priorities. I have RSVPs for the UMTR Awards Fest. It should be fun.

I just can not keep from dwelling on one post that concerns me most. A fellow runner who is going through some tough times right now. She is still blessed with health, but death, early death, in her family has been a repeated activity. Karen always blesses me with a smile whenever I meet her for a run or at a race. I often wonder "why does God punish people like this". I always have to go back to when my 3-year-old nephew died. It was unexpected.

At the funeral, the Pastor said something I will forget at time. He said, "Aaron has left us, and this is a sad time for many. What makes it sad is our perception of how long a life is." He went on to say that God has a plan for all of us. For Aaron, God had planned a life of three years. He reminded us that Aaron did not waste time in his life. He loved each minute and made sure it was complete. He said it is the human expectation that we should all live the same length of time, which adds to the pain. He emphasized that the pain should be there but not to add to it, as Aaron did live his life (3 years) to the fullest and asked us to do the same.

I often need to remember that life is not a guarantee and that we need to preserve and cherish the time with others and ourselves. I forget that often. I pray for Karen and others who are not experiencing the joy of times. I am doing really well, with my only obstacle being me. I need to remember that more often.

Dana once gave me a bumper sticker that said, "The best things in life... are not things". It showed a man holding a cat with his wife, kids, friends, and dog around him. As I think of this, some close friends know what I mean when I feel stupid about the Orzo Salad issue... But some things we can not take back...

In this ultra-running world, I find that to be true. Thanks for all the love and support from many, and I only pray Karen gets through this OK. I am sure she will with the heart and soul God gave her. But I still add her to my prayers nightly and hope to see her smile again. She knows how to live a whole life, however long it may be, and may it be long, and continue healthy, as with all of you.

Carry on...

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