Saturday, July 29, 2017

Felt Great - broken spokes

On Thursday, I decided to ride my bicycle to work.  I felt better and was tired of nursing and not enjoying anything.  The doctor stated I could do the activity level I am comfortable doing.  However, they must understand that my comfort level is much higher than usual.  Those who have completed ultra-marathons know what I mean.

In February, I wrote a post about the new bicycle I had ordered but had yet to receive.  I upgraded the electric assist to one with more torque and range.  I also purchased a new bike, the Surly Long Haul Trucker, a significant upgrade from the old (2006) Cannondale Quick 5.  Some may think electric assist is cheating, but I still have to pedal and ensure my heart rate is solid to get a workout.  An example ride with heart rate stats can be seen at   For that 12.72-mile, 48.5-minute ride, I had an average heart rate of 127 BPM and a maximum of 161 BPM.  The assist helps me go about 3 MPH faster and makes the hills a breeze.   I rarely use any assist on flat ground.

My newer ride - Surly Long Haul Trucker and Bronx D500
Now, it is not a secret.  I am a heavier guy.  I had a custom wheel made for my Fuji when I bought it, and well over 5,000 miles, never broke a spoke.  I have broken three spokes previously on the Bronx rear rim, two the first time and one a second time.  Thursday, however, I found two broken spokes.  Frustrating!  I have even used special care to avoid bumps.  I was thinking about the words on the frame.  I would be OK until I found out that "Fff fatties fit fine" means tires, not me.

On Friday, I had more blood work.  Even though I have been taking the same dose of medicine, my INR has dropped 0.6 since the last check.  Yes, I typed that right; that considerable drop erases much of what I have gained to get above 2.0, which is desired.  I also have dropped the hemoglobin by 1.8.  I left the hospital with a 6.1 (15 plus desires) and did get an increase to near 9.0.  However, now, I am back below 7.  I also had pain in my right calf, and the ultrasound found a new clot!  What, a new clot, and I have been on blood thinners for three weeks now!  They suggested I go to the hospital and spend some time for more tests.  I am more and more confused about this all the time. 

Until we figure this out, I will continue injecting 0.9 of the Lovenox twice daily, taking 10 gm of Warfarin once a day and 65 mg of iron twice daily.  Let's see where the next week takes me. 

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