Sunday, November 28, 2010

Feeling positive...

It was a nice Thanksgiving weekend. I worked 9 hours Thanksgiving Day and another 34 hours Friday through Sunday, but I had a great time with my son, who flew in on Wednesday night. We got tickets for the Gopher/Iowa game from a friend and attended. Even though it was cold, it was fun. He was also able to spend time with his Aunt, Uncle, niece, nephew, and Grandparents.

For those who may not know him or be aware, he is attending the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. (The thing about coming home is that I think they catch up on his sleep.) He is 21 and really a great person. He has run Grandma's with me twice and kicked my bottom doing so (but I still have a PR just under an hour of his PR). He still plays great tennis. (See the club tennis page.)

A little more about him. It was Thanksgiving, 1994, when there was an event that would change his life. It also changed much for all around him as well. We were visiting my father's farm, where his right hand was amputated. He really is lucky to survive. He never really sulked in loss and is very successful due to his attitude. Of course, attitude is so much. If you do not believe me, check this out: (Website:

But I think he learned an attitude and balance from his grandpa, his mom, Neal Halberg, Tommy Valentini, Steve Wilkenson, and so many others. Parents do not raise a child successfully without others, and there were so many others who made him into the successful man he is today.

Enough about that, although once again this weekend, I spent time with some good tears. Almost every year, I cry less about the accident and the impacts of that day. But this year, as I have written before, it is the loss of loved ones that really hurts a little more. I think it is strange how some people are sheltered and never see the things others experience in this world. Some of you know Shelley. We speak of how she has never had a human loss. She has had real bad luck lately, with two of her three cherished pets getting ill and being put down. That was hard for her, and I think she adjusted to it.

Well, this weekend was an especially hard one, as well as one of elation at having my son home. I kept hearing songs on the radio, which brought back memories. I started to cry when a few of Dana's favorite songs came on, and I bet I looked like an idiot crying at the stoplight. As many of you know, Dana was such a positive influence in my life, only to see hers cut short.

Then I heard some 80's songs. That was when a good friend committed suicide, and two others were lost in a car accident. Then, in the late 80's, when my nephew drowned in a few feet of water. These losses hit me hard this weekend for some reason.

But a good cry seems to wash away some of the pain and sorrow we hold within ourselves. I know that the positive feeling from a good hard cry makes things better for a while. But it is still hard to overcome the loss of a great friend. I know there have been many, and there will be more. But I try hard to recall the best, and that usually helps. In 1988, I had a great friend and we grew apart, that is also hard to accept but when I see they are doing well and happy, that can only bring a great smile. Life throws us so many curves, but as a good catcher, we do not let the ball of life pass. We grasp it hard and throw it back for another pitch!

Today, I was talking to someone who asked me how is it so often I laugh? I responded, "Every day I laugh because I can". Laughing is beneficial to your health. It has been said that laughing for 10 minutes heartily is equivalent to 10 minutes of moderate jogging. So tonight, as I came home after crying several times throughout the day, I thought, if laughing benefits your health, what are the benefits of crying? We all have those nights here when tear drops saturate our pillows. For those who say they have never cried, I say you have never lived.

And this cry will get me into the gym more often—I can feel it! It was something that needed to be done, and as I close this post, I smile. My son will leave tomorrow, but it will be a brighter day for so many reasons that I know his going back to school after a short visit will be OK.

Carry on, my friends...

1 comment:

Beth said...

Thanks for sharing the story about your son and the inspirational video. I'm sorry about your hearache and having to say goodbye to your son.