Thursday, September 16, 2010

Should be an update ...

On my wonderful ST 100 volunteer experience, but...

My job is getting insane in the demands placed on me and I am just so busy that when I get a chance I need to take it or I lose that chance. So tonight I relaxed after a demanding workday, I watched The Notebook. I needed to relax after a difficult meeting. I was also wanting to watch it as it really is a whole bunch of emotions which makes me remember to not to expect an explanation for the unexpected or think that can't accept no explanation, just keep the faith and move onward. Some who have seen it may agree with me on that statement, others may think I am way off base.

But this also made me think of the challenge a fellow blogger is facing. She writes about the "C" word and how life has thrown her a curve. (an that is not the "C" word) I think about her wonderful and welcomed sharing she has given me in through her blog, even though we have never met. The love and support amongst her family is so wonderful. She has the best tools to beat the "C" and get her desired NYC Marathon, all in good time.

But the Notebook and my fellow blogger made me think... Will my heart ever allow anyone to be that close to live for the moment together or to support me though a very difficult ordeal... Opening always means increased risk of being broken... like the way I feel about my DNF's at the ST 100 and I ask if I lack the desire to train to avoid another dejected feeling one gets from the DNF. Strange correlation for some, but in my over-analytical mind, I wonder...

But just like a 100 mile race, we have to keep our hearts in it or we will fail. In the Notebook, the man dies doing what he loves (which is great part of his life), keeping the love of his life. May we all find love and never let it go... Even if it is one mile at a time, the end is so rewarding...

At least that is what I have read from the pal's who are now proud owners of the elusive red jacket!

Carry on my friends, and never look back without a smile...

1 comment:

Beth said...

Thanks so much for thinking of me and all of your encouraging thoughts. I think running is a great allegory for life. We all are afraid of rejection or failure and come up with devices to cushion the blow. One of my favorite quotes is, "If you never fail, you aren't trying hard enough." I try to remember that and take a risk. Then not punish myself if I fail and instead pat myself on the back for being brave. You've had so much courage in so many aspects of your life and are an inspiration to me and others. Thanks for all of your support. It means so much to me.