Thursday, July 23, 2009

I can sit

Finally, I can bend my knee 90 degrees. I can now sit normally. Although there are arguments, I can do anything normally. I think I may be starting to walk or light biking by the weekend. Makes me wonder, as I have not in the past, should I count walking miles as training miles? I often wondered that. Walking is an important part of an ultra? So, do you count walks? If you do, which ones? Should they not count unless they are over a certain distance or time? What about pace? Casual walks as opposed to brisk walks?

I am not sure. Given that I have had the surgery and need to make a slow comeback, I think I will count all miles as training. I think the software is for running, biking, and other activities. I will just place them under others?

Either way, it's nice to get some movement on the leg. Just taking is slow and easy!

Carry on.


Wayne said...

You're making progress, that's the main thing!

Carl Gammon said...

Yes, it all counts: first to heal, then to get into ultra form.