Friday, July 17, 2009

American Pie

I am on my way to minor surgery. It should not be a big issue, but everyone I know gets nervous. We did not know we had running as it nears. I am superstitious, and some things just freak me out. I heard "We Don't Talk Anymore" by Cliff Richard when I got in my car in 1980 when my high school sweetheart broke off the relationship. We never did not speak again. Wonder where she is? Almost 30 years ago, I remember that so is the concussion better?

Well, I use my iPod on the stereo as an alarm. I set it on random play for my songs and each morning I wake to a gem. Today, I woke to Don McLean singing "American Pie". You may not know the song, but it goes.

So bye-bye, miss American pie.
Drove my chevy to the levee,
But the levee was dry.
And them good old boys were drinkin whiskey and rye
Singin, "this'll be the day that I die.
"this'll be the day that I die."

So, I am sure I will be fine, as all my superstitions never come true. But what was God thinking with this wake-up call? I am taking it as a sign to be really careful and not to take recovery from anesthesia and minor surgery without great care and concern.

Especially for a 46-year-old who needs to lose 50 pounds...

As a side note, I noted today that I have a bruise from my mid-chest all the way up to my shoulder. It goes from about an inch wide at the bottom to 5 inches wide at the shoulder. I can lift my arm about shoulder height but not higher. It is still painful! Well, I can take Advil later today, and I have been looking forward to that since crashing the bike on Saturday!

UPDATE: Surgery went fine. ACL issues were negligible... The calcium issue is about 6 weeks before we run. I am loopy and going to rest (Update posted 2:30 PM Friday the 17th of July)

Carry on.


Kel said...

Good luck Londell!

Looking forward to seeing you back out on the trails very soon :)

Mike W. said...

Great news, take your time with the recovery, looking forward to seeing you back running soon.

Wayne said...

Glad to hear it went well, Londell! Rest up.

Beth said...

Yeah! I'm so glad the surgery went well. Now you can recover from the surgery and the bike accident. You'll be running again in no time. Take care!