Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What the hell?

What the hell is all I can say! I have a top-of-the-line digital scale. I compare it to the scale at the physician's office each time I go. It always appears to be consistent. But there are times when it makes no sense. In the past months, the circuits have been haywire.

Here is an example. On Saturday, I went swimming, showered, got ready for bed, and stepped on the scale. I was shocked, 245 pounds… That is a 13-pound loss over the past months. I went to bed. Did not drink anything. After a solid 7 hours in bed, I woke… Nature called, I went… I then walked to the kitchen and the scale. I stepped on the scale… 251.7 pounds. So I did not drink anything, took a dump, and gained 6.7 pounds… What the hell is the correct phrase, isn't it?

This is not the first time I've seen this happen; it is just the most drastic. I have nights where I stay the same, nights where there is a 2-3 pound loss, but then there are those nights I gain 3-5 pounds… I have tested this by weighing myself 3-5 times before I go to bed, same reading… When I wake, it's the same as the first if I check it numerous times… How can this be explained? Does anyone else see this in their life?

My training is better now. Took longer than I thought to recover from Afton. I wonder if I am the only one who thinks Afton is much more complicated than Superior. I just have more of a challenge at Afton than the Superior Trail. But I think I am in the minority. My knee seems OK. There is a little twinge here or there but no pain, which counts. At this time, ST 100 and I may battle once again. Want to wait another week or so to commit…

My son has been back for almost three weeks. After a year of campus life, he had to take care of all those things our parents made them complete. The dentist was the big one... He has three fillings (he only had one his whole life, now three in one year), and he is too smart for his own good as they have to remove his wisdom teeth.  (I know, stupid statement) I recall when I got mine out under local anesthesia, I had little issues. Heck, I ran that afternoon. He went under and had some significant work... he is really out of this. The swelling in his face is sad. He looks in total pain. We are starting the third day, and he is still in pain… This is hard on a very active 19-year-old. But he will heal!

Carry on!


SteveQ said...

The digital scale they used at FANS varied a lot, too. I actually prefer analog, because I expect less from it.

Diane said...

I know my weight is sensitive to what I eat. If I eat too many carbs or too much sodium, I can see it in a weight spike the next day or two. For example, if I have a couple pieces of pizza, my weight might be up 5-7lbs the next day before coming back down over the next two to three days.

And no, this isn't after eating 5-7lbs of pizza!