Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Some great motivation! and the Biggest Loser Finale!

While I was saddened (because I am injured and cannot participate in what I enjoy) by reading the many recent posts about the most recent 50K, 50 Mile, 100 Mile, and 150 Mile races, I was so happy. I encouraged that hard work, patience, and perseverance can be rewarded. Many race reports are available to anyone with internet access; many are just in the e-mail user group.

People like the energizer bunny, I mean Al Holtz. 150 miles in 48:55:11:13! In his post, he wrote, "I now know by first-hand experience what 2nd night hallucinations are. It is amazing what sleep deprivation can do to your mind. I am still convinced once daylight came Sunday that, in the section of woods preceding the first aid station (totem pole), I saw a herd of (6-7) albino deer that ran away before I could get my camera out. Andy Weinberg laughed and said he was certain there were no albino deer in the park." Makes me laugh.

Then there is Julie Berg. She is among the most inspiring people; many have read her blog, http://julieberg.blogspot.com/. She ran the 100-mile race in Pekin, Illinois as well. Besides fleeing from a drug dealing motel the night before a race and sleeping in her car in the cold temperatures (in the 30s), she has grit and determination beyond most people I know. She does not seem to get rattled; she just keeps going. She was 1.5 hours behind the lead women at 50 miles, but the lead women faltered, and Julie managed to win the race, leading the next-place women by over 4 hours. Then, after the race, it just takes the simple 8-plus hour drive home. She makes it sound so achievable for anyone. If you are willing to put in the time and effort. Not just in exercise but in diet and life.

Then I read about Adam (analytical-training.blogspot.com), who is doing training for a research project most scientists would be envious of. He took second place in a race where they were running in snow knee-deep. I love that he shares what he has learned. He, and many other Blogs you can link through his site, share exciting thoughts and ideas that have helped them succeed and provide me with ideas and inspiration.

Then, I am still waiting for the post from my buddy, who seems to place good and bad things into words that are nice to read. Phil Smith ran the entire 50 K race in snowshoes. He wrote a book about his first 50-mile race called Ultra Superior. That was also my first 50-mile race (and we both hope to make this September our first 100-mile finish), and I was slightly in front of him for most of the race. But as I read the book, he encountered the same things I did, bringing back great memories. At about mile 43, I heard what I thought were angels in the woods. I came across a group of backpack hikers who were singing gospel music, may I say, beautifully. Where else but in the middle of the woods on a 50-mile run would you hear such sweet music. At longer distances, I get into a state of peacefulness I can not explain.

Then I see the data from a Techy like me, Zach, who is really doing well. It is nice to see the data he provides, as we both have Garmin 305s we love to use. I admire so many others for their super efforts and successes they so willingly share, but I have limited time.

All these runners and many more faced the cold, the winds, and the many elements and enjoyed it. I tell people about my runs and those of my acquaintances, and they look at me and say, "Are you (they) crazy," my response is always strange. Lately, I have said we all know we must get busy living or dying, and when I am on the trail, I feel like I am living. These races are something I look forward to. No single ultra-runner I know is not a kind, caring soul. The peace and tranquility of a 10-hour run is known. Only those who have experienced it know the outcome. Trail running in the long distance helped me see the beauty in the beast (the world). With the war, friends dying of cancer, the distance growing between myself and my girlfriend, and all the negative things in the world, when I hit the trails for long runs, I felt peace. I feel hope. I get a sense of purpose and understanding of this complex world from something as simple as putting one foot in front of the other, tripping on some roots, splashing through water, and many other things that come with trail running. Many know what I mean by this statement, and that is the best I can do to explain why I (or others) do this?

I have one more week before the Doctor clears me to run again. Then I need to be slow and take care of the knee, as Superior Trail 100 is only 143 days away.

Signing off, I will admit that I am looking forward to tonight... The Biggest Loser Finale! I want so badly for Ali to win! Some think this show is goofy, but from someone who was 296 pounds and dropped to 215 in five months, I know the impact it has on life. I feel for them, their joy, and their pain. Keeping it off is more challenging, but while I have gained some back, my life now is different when I could not fit comfortably in some chairs... Just like trail running, you have to be there once in your life to understand.

Carry on.


Wayne said...

Wow, great post, Londell. There really are a lot of good, inspiring stories when you see them all together.

Wayne said...

doh... didn't mean to send that yet. Anyway, looking forward to seeing you out there once you're all healed up. Keep the faith.

Runner Brewer said...

you nailed it Londell.

It is funny how I look forward to a 7 hr training run at Afton.

5 years ago I dreaded "the long run" 17-20 miles. Now I take them in stride and enjoy them.

See you at Superior

phillip gary said...

You're racking up some big Volunteer Points!
You were a terrific help at the Trail Mix Ultra Lake Trail aid station . . . where runners get to visit comin' and goin' four different times during those multiple loops.
I appreciated your attention, and the attention of all at each Oasis as we made our way along the thoroughfare of woe.

Phillip Gary Smith