Sunday, April 6, 2008

Getting better...

I missed it, but I needed to heal and have a second hobby… Many ultra folks went to another FatAss run hosted by the Master himself, Larry Pederson. I had to miss my second hobby, tennis officiating. This is the second one I missed this year, but my knee is still sore. I have no pain from walking, so I started doing long walks quickly.

Now, I think I will make walking part of my regular workout each week when I get back to the trials on a run. I have been walking 16-18 minutes per mile through the woods along the MN River Valley. I logged 15 miles in three days last week, and my knee feels solid. I am just a little nervous about starting to run again, and the Physician did say to take another week and come back slowly. Those who run know how hard that is…

I have come to the realization that walking in training is as vital as running. I'm not sure how many veterans agree, although as I look back at my first 100 attempts, walking was not a skill I had perfected but needed. Especially at night, a good walking pace can do wonders, so I think that now.

I am looking forward to the warm weather. Until we meet again, carry on.

1 comment:

SteveQ said...

Would've loved to see you at Larry's little mudfest. Walking's one of those things that's counter-intuitive; I'm fine with it until I get into a race and actually need it.