Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sh&*, I want a new Knee

Been a while, and frustrated. Finally, I went to the Doctor, who said the knee pain was tendonitis and suggested time off. Bummer. He explained it is not uncommon for the strain of the MCL to evolve into Tendonitis. So here I am, out of commission. Pouting! This is where I could use a Dana push right now... She always found something to do when something hurt, and somehow, it was fun? But then, that is the way it is when you have two fat people with the same goal! I can only hope that I can get out as we get warm weather. Been doing a whole bunch of walking. That at least keeps me going. Spending more time in the weight room, I can feel it in the upper body.

I am sure happy to see many of the ultra-list folks doing well in training. Envious but happy. Many are looking forward to spring and dirt and grass. Anyway, that is the update. I will listen to the document, take more time off with ice and heat rotation, and hopefully get some minor runs next week. Some solid runners are getting set for great April runs. I was planning some, but I am still determining. I am looking with high hopes to kick off the season at Superior 50K in May... Until then, rest, Ice, Heat, and prayer...

Carry on!


keith said...

Hey, I hope you're 100% soon. Keep yr. chin up.

Adam said...

Hey Londell, you'll be healed up soon...keep the faith brother. I had plans to do a night run that same weekend at RTA due to the ability to have aid available all night...maybe a fire pit as well to tempt us to sit down and take a break;)

Anonymous said...

I Don't know you, but am new to trail running myself. I've done the Living History in Iowa last year and will participate in this years Trail Mix 25K, the farthest I'll have ever run. Keep motivated, and remember that your experience and efforts mean something to others. I've really appreciated your blog as I've started reaching out to the "Trail People". Good luck!