Monday, May 6, 2019

745.4 – Good? Bad? Not ugly!

As of May 6, 2019, 745.4 is the number of bicycle miles yearly.  Most of the miles have been commuting to work.  I am still determining if 745.4 is good or if I need to catch up, so I evaluated a few years of data.

For 2017, my total was 1,763 miles, and for 2018, the total was 1,659 miles.  That seems low, and I would like to know if I should have tracked some miles as the bike computer shows well over 4,000 miles and is two years old.  Therefore, based on the data, I am almost 2/5th of the way to the 2017 and 2018 totals, so it sounds like an excellent achievement.  I am crushing it this year compared to my 760 miles in 2016. I could do better.  The mind is a terrible thing to battle!  I will keep going and hope we have a little rain.

Due to the flooding, the ride to work is nearly 18 miles one way.  It is 13 miles via the Old Cedar Avenue bridge route, but that route is about 10 feet under the floor water on the Burnsville, MN side.  I wait and, of course, increase my commute miles by 10 miles a day.  That means 190 extra miles, as I finished the 19th commute today.  There is a chance flood waters will recede next week, but we have heavy rain forecasted for two days later this week.

I continue struggling with fatigue, mostly related to anemia.  I am down to infusions less frequently, yet I can tell when issues start, as four hours of sleep is a good night when low on iron.  After infusions, I sleep SOLID and feel better!  I just wish we could pinpoint the issue. 

Either way, I am still alive and doing better. Increasing the miles is nice, but the weight and body stiffness remain issues. Time will improve those issues, provided I keep exercising, so I must not give up anytime soon.


wildknits said...


That is impressive mileage for 2019! Especially as this has been a harder winter/spring then in recent years.

I am sorry to hear they still don't have any answers for you to explain the anemia and your ongoing health issues. That can be draining both mentally and physically.

I am sure you have been fully worked up and checked for issues like Celiac (it can cause weird symptoms including unexplained anemia: )

Londell said...

Wildnits - Thanks for the link - informative!