Thursday, June 24, 2010

I heard this and thought... this is like me!

Wow, what a day…

I decided to wash my car today. I started walking to the garage and noticed the mail on the table. OK, I am going to wash the car, but first, I need to go through the mail. So I lay the car keys down the desk and discard the junk mail after sorting out the bills and notice the trash is full. All right then, I will just put my bills on the desk and take the trash out. But since I am going to be near the mailbox anyway, I will pay the bills now. Where is the checkbook? Oh, there it is but only one check left… OK, the extra checks are in the file cabinet. Next to the file cabinet sits the Coke I was drinking.

I need to get those checks but I am going to put that Coke in the fridge to get it cold again. I head toward the kitchen and see my flowers need some water… I set the Coke on the counter and WOW, there are my glasses, I have been looking for them all morning so I better put them away first.

I fill the container with water and go to water the flowers. Oh no, some one left the TV remote in the kitchen! We will never think of looking in the kitchen when we want to watch TV tonight so I better put it in the living room. Meanwhile on the way into the living room I spill the water. I set the controls in the laundry room and get towels to clean up my spill. I get to the laundry room and see I have a pile of laundry and decide to start the laundry. Realizing I used all the laundry detergent, I realize I need to go to the store. Now where are those car keys?

Is this a disease or normal?

Carry on


wildknits said...

Have you ever read "if you give a mouse a cookie" or its sequel "if you give a moose a muffin" ?

While children's books they describe just such events in an equally charming manner ;->

Beth said...

You've just described my average day. I'm so glad I'm not alone!