Sunday, March 29, 2009

Yippe I A, Cow Pattie

Yippee-i-ay - Cow Patti!
Yippee-i-ay - Cow Patti!
She rode into town to find the man that killed her daddy!
Yippee-i-ay - Cow Patti!

I sang this in my head today in the last mile of what made a 25+ mile week (26.1) and felt good. It was the first time I could say or think that since 2007. It may seem like peanuts to all 100-mile week runners, but given that last October, I could care less if I ran again, this is GREAT!

I use the lyrics often when I am elated. People look at me and think it makes no sense. But this was a song by Jim Stafford released in 1980. I was graduating from high school, and some wild and crazy guy (not Steve Martin or me) suggested making it our Grad Theme Song. I went to school with a strange bunch, and I do not think anyone has changed, except I got older. If you want to see Jim Stafford perform this gem, see below:

Anyway, I was elated. The funny thing is the runs are nice and easier, but the weight is the same. I'm not even going to worry about that yet. Just keep running and enjoying the time outdoors and whatever will be... Then again, one of my favorite Minnesota River trails was underwater this weekend... I hope that is short-lived... My mind has been on my hometown of Fargo lately... I called the parents, and it appears the farm will make it through the flood. I recall as a youth, some of the floods, we had a basement filled with water... and we were 8 miles west of the Red River. It is just flat and flat back home! I used to run the overpasses for hill training.

I'm looking forward to what I hope is the last snow spit this week. I have to look at the positive side, but I would rather not have it like I have a choice. So next week, if things continue like they have, I will have a 29-mile week. And if I don't, that is alright as long as I keep having fun getting miles in.

Carry on...

1 comment:

SteveQ said...

Sounds like things are getting better and better for you, except your taste in music.