Monday, March 23, 2009

Third week of enjoyment...

I have three weeks in a row with over 20 miles a week, and I enjoyed it! Well, mostly. There were a few days I did not want to run. But I got through the first mile and was happy I went. Each week I increased 5% or more a week. This week, I will have a 10-15 percent increase over last week just cause it feels good and I have more time? I am still determining. There may be more bike riding as an option, depending on the weather.

I heard my pal Steve broke another bone. You would think, with all the news we hear about his neighborhood, that someone would hurt him other than himself? This may be a blessing in disguise. If he always has a broken bone, the thugs will leave him alone. Either way, I wish him well and hope he takes care of himself. He is a great guy. I need to keep up all the writing to keep me sane... or at least it is good reading.

I have a good friend in her mid-30s who has never been married and is struggling with a ticking clock (she wants kids)... She has had some hard times in the dating field, and I just do not get it, as she is a great person... Well, maybe I do... My advice to her is not to be so stressed over it, but I see her point. She meets nothing but folks who are over the edge. Some things I hear make me wonder if I am getting weird and the normal people seem weird or if the world is becoming more strange. What happened to manners, please, thank you, opening a car door, allowing yourself to love? A coworker told me of her daughter's boyfriend coming to the house and honking the horn or calling her on the cell phone so she could come out... Is this just strange dating habits becoming the norm, and am I a dying specimen? Anyway, I have so many questions whenever we speak about relationships that I need clarification on.

Anyway, enough broad-based information. Finally, week 4 is underway, with another 4-mile run tonight in the rain, but it was nice. I registered for Afton. As I said before, I am 95% sure i will not be running it and will just be donating to a great run if I don't, but if that 5% changes, I wanted my spot... And I saw Kent Neuburger is coming back. I'm curious if many of you know him. I have only met him twice but love his fight and desire.

Carry on...


SteveQ said...

The wrist is healing REALLY fast! I think that as a society, we're becoming more self-centered and thus less empathetic (technology is partly to blame... after all, I am sitting here silently, rather than talking to you). Civility requires spending time with others - and not discussing how you relieve yourself in the woods.

Diane said...

I identify with your friend who is having a hard time dating... if she's anything like me, an independent woman, it's not easy to find a real man to be a compliment in the relationship (as opposed to "completing" a person); someone who is also independent, yet open. It's tough!