Monday, June 15, 2009

Been quiet, on purpose

I went to watch the Nature Valley Grand Prix bike race this weekend. I saw the men's race on Friday in Uptown and went to Stillwater for the women's on Sunday. I took some pictures. To the left is the female Armstrong, who totally blew away the competition. She is an inspiration if you know her history.

For some reason, it's been a while since the last post. I have been internally stressing over Grandma's. While it may seem stupid, as worry and stress are often referred to as worthless emotions, it is just that this is the end of a 25-year goal.

The big concern is that the knee is painful, even with the HGH injection. With two weeks of a little easy training (10-12 miles per week) and careful care, my PF is better. But the knee has improved a little.  I will spend the rest of the week casually biking and doing a lot of work in the pool.

I did have an MRI on the knee and decided to wait until after Grandma's to get the results. Being a natural worry wort, I was just going to let it be and suck it up and hope I can pull the race.

Once again, I plan on leaving at about 6:00 PM on Friday, sleeping in the car, running the race, and then heading home. I plan on going real easy, planning a 12-minute mile for as much as the knee can handle, and then doing what I need to get it done.

For those joining me, I wish you well. It looks like rain, which I do not mind. But then again, that is 5 days away, and if weathermen were car makers, imagine we would not even get out of our hometown, let alone get to the race.

Carry on.


Wayne said...

25 years in a row is amazing, Londell! Try to enjoy it!! :) [are you sure you don't want to go for 30 years?] I think you'll get it done with no real problems... shoot, it'll be way easier than your 24 miles at Sawtooth last Sept. I'll see you out there...

Kel said...

Hang in there Londell - power walk it if you have to. I have a feeling you'll get it done :)

SteveQ said...

You're in a lot better shape than most of the people who'll finish up there. Hang in there; you'll be fine.

Helen said...

Hope the knee holds up Londell. You can definitely do it. 25 years is an awesome streak. Hope to see you up there.

Mike W. said...

You will do it, make sure you take in the sights, take a camera and capture the moments. Enjoy it. You never know, Wayne may have it right, you just might want to add in 5 more :-)

Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

My family was at Stillwater on Sunday for Women's and Men's race - it was awesome! Have fun at Grandmas!


Beth said...

I'm sending all of my positive vibes your way for Grandma's. 25 years is amazing and you'll get it done. I hope your knee behaves itself and enjoy your awsome achievement!

Beth said...

I'm sending all of my positive vibes your way for Grandma's. 25 years is amazing and you'll get it done. I hope your knee behaves itself and enjoy your awsome achievement!

Karen G said...

Good luck at Grandma's. Things will get better.