Thursday, October 11, 2007

What is going on....

Woke up 10 days ago, put on my slippers, stepped on my left foot, and thought I had died... Oh, what a feeling when I jumped as high as the ceiling, and hell is where I felt I landed... I have no clue what is wrong, as the ankle is over twice the size of the right ankle. Felt fine when I went to bed. Tried RICE, but that is useless. Never experienced this before! Not on any body part.

After 5 days, it was at the doctor's where the X-rays were negative. Feels like Plantar Fasciitis, feels like a bad sprain, feels like I broke my foot again, and feels like I have rocks in my forefoot and ankle. Will see a specialist on October 17. I hope this is not a lengthy healing process, as I have gone from 235 pounds to 248 in 10 days…. Sure, it differs from two to three hours a day to nothing. I will hope, pray, and finally get my eating under control.

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