Sunday, November 1, 2009

Surf the Murph aid station report

I did not run Surf the Murph (with the excellent weather course I wish I had), but I had a blast at the horse aid station. Twelve hours went by very quickly. With great smiles and successes, I saw many friends complete their goals! (Where are the reports, guys and gals?)

The day started rough. Les had issues with the trailer, which resulted in getting me supplies until after 7 AM. Duke had reached the station before we even started unloading the equipment. Luckily, these lead runners have great support crews and rely little on an aid station, so it was not a major issue. That just proves even the absolute best planning and preparation can throw you a curve.

Then came another surprise. With this flu abound my two aid station volunteers did not make it. (There were three of us assigned for this location, which is actually two stops for the runners.) That in itself (being two aid stations in one place) was funny as when many were on the second (50K) or third loop (50 miles) at the first horse trailer aid station, and I said, "I will see you one more time" and many freaked out. They did not realize that the other side of the tree was the station they had visited earlier in the day... The expression was priceless... but I did not get a picture. The two volunteers who could not make it in the morning stopped by later in the day (husband and wife), and she looked like she needed to be home... I commend her dedication to trying, but at that time, the station was slow (all the marathon and 25 K runners had been through), and I encouraged them to go home and rest, and he took care of the wife. I hope she feels better soon!

I can not thank Kurt Neuburger and Caitlin enough for being there to see Carrie Neuburger in the 25K. Kurt was supposed to run but will have surgery soon and could not do so. They were a gift from God. Especially Caitlin, a veteran aid station expert at a young age (Early teens at best). Very mature and deserves many kudos. It was also great to see Caitlin do the last 4 miles with Carrie! I bet this was rewarding for both...

Kurt started a very nice fire, and we kept it going all day! It was so welcomed early in the cool hours and later as the sun started to set! I am not a Boy Scout and would have never got the fire going. I was told he used Vaseline to start the fire. That is a new one.

Mary Knutson finely ran the 25 K. As the workhorse, she immediately came to the Aid Station to help me. Her stomach did a nasty turn on her, and for over an hour, she was practically paralyzed in pain. I was so happy she worked through it, as the afternoon would have been really long without another person at the station to keep me sane! I just remembered that I had to tell her how much I appreciated the company!

Cindy was nice enough to deliver a large pizza to us mid-day. A few runners loved the idea of Pizza at the aid station. I may not have survived it, but I know they finished strong.

The costumes were cool. I've included a few below, but I missed one of the best (the outhouse!). I could only get the camera out when it was slow enough at the station.

Below is a slideshow of all the pictures I took. The link to download is I'm Sorry I did not get photos of more of the runners! Running an aid station is demanding, and I know you understand!

Carry on...


Mike W. said...

Enjoyed the pictures, thanks for the support and for volunteering. It was a fun day (don't worry my post will be up soon :-).

wildknits said...


good to finally meet! Thanks for being out there - aid station volunteers (all race volunteers) are the best!!

Has been a hectic day (drive back to Duluth, another race, and two potlucks) so will get to the race report soon!

Wayne said...

Thanks for all you did, Londell! It was great to see you each time through, the pictures are great to see (especially since we didn't get to see many of the runners from the other races), and you went the extra extra mile helping me multiple times with my gel. You and all the other volunteers were great! (And I have no idea when I'll get to my race report.) :)

Kel said...

Thanks for being out there for us ALL DAY LONG! It was great to see a friendly face at every aid station and to have someone cheering us on.

Race report coming soon!

Beth said...

I enjoyed all of the pictures and reading about your day. Having never done an ultra or a trail race, it's fun to read about running but have it be new and different. I'm sure you were very much appreciated out there!

Anonymous said...

Hi Londell- I am the sick wife, and I feel much better- thank you! I'm sorry I missed out- I would have loved to have seen all these runners do what they do best.

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Thanks for the support and grub out there! We couldn't do it without the help.

The "Port-a-Potty on the run" appreciates you being out there freezing when you could have been inside and warm! ;-)

Karen G said...

Thanks so much for all you did. It was so good to see you out there. If you see Mary thank her for me again for giving me the sweatshirt off her back!! It woud have been a miserable cold loop for me without that.