Friday, August 28, 2009

What is a blog and why blog?

I was going to start by saying a good friend wrote me about a question and asked if all was OK, as it has been without any update… Then, I would go into the purpose and reasons for a blog, as I see it… But before I post a bunch of rambling, how about a short life summary…

MRI results show a torn rotator cuff, with the most prominent issue being a Bicep Tendon tear. The "long head" of the bicep. Now I have to decide what to do about it. So many say they had no luck with surgery. Others say it helped, but it never was the same. Others say Physical Therapy is the best first choice? I still have pain 7 weeks later. Not nearly as much. I only wake up at night if I roll hard onto it. I can now ride a bike with a small backpack. But I will see. I am leaning toward Physical Therapy.

I am riding, and that is nice. I see the Doctor in 11 days about the knee, but the way it feels, I know I am not ready for running. I am walking, but it hurts a little if I go a few miles. So I am thankful I get to bike, as that at least has stopped the weight gain, but I am not losing any either… 35 pounds more than when I tried the first ST 100 in 2007… Ouch!

So, back to what I started writing about. What is a blog, and what is its use? It's a journal about one's life and interests. Some use it for their journey to run 100 miles, others to fight cancer, others for weight loss… But I have found that it is also a way to have friends… I thought I would classify many good friends who now have limited blog entries or vowed to quit. Like my friend, Steve Quick, who had taken on a Superman task and had to quit a race after already surpassing things beyond my imagination… and now wants to quit his blog… 

I have grown to know Steve as a friend more from the blog than face-to-face meetings. Julie Berg is another person many think we know as a friend. I have said less than 100 words to her over the years, but she is a good friend. I love the way she puts so much "life" out there. Makes her real. Diane Farmer, who has posted her ups and downs through house changes, job changes, renters, and so on, gives a real-life feel me, even though we have never spent much time together. Now I miss a post from her. I was excited about a post she had recently, but I found it was a malicious attack on her blog (or e-mail). Diane, we miss our friend…

Recently, my friend Wayne started to post pictures from his phone, notes about the motorcycle and his job locations, and running. I learned more about him as an individual and consider him a friend. The same goes for Helen (I love reading about her trips to the homeland and more), Beth (I love that she juggles life and family and does so well!), Karen (shared her deepest sorrow and fears with the loss of her sister and much more), Mike (brings me back to the 80's occasionally… Thanks), Pastor Don, Keith (five fingers best promo and much more), Matt (Beer man, job challenges and all), Mark (training struggles, Garmin issues and etc…), Carl (cancer survivor, father, husband), Don (makes me hungry every time I look at the post… Love the 100 things, really feel like I know him and never met him!), Kel (I really feel her ups and downs as she shares them and love the research tests see completed), Steve G (I add him to my prayers often as they have had hard times, but he is up and smiles and perseveres!) and so many others. (SORRY IF I MISSED YOU BUT THIS IS TO LONG OF A POST NOW!)

Reading the bogs helps me know there are real people like me who struggle but continue to pursue their passion, no matter what. It gives me something many people long for… many great people I can call friends… And when a friend disappears, it creates a hole. Like when Adam limited posts, I felt like I lost a friend… And Steve Quick's blog has opened my reading (as far as interesting topics) greatly with his great knowledge of non-mainstream facts… Steve, don't quit. You are a friend to so many!

What is the purpose of a blog anyway?

There is still confusion on and off the Internet about the definition and purpose of a blog. Even though there are several explanations and descriptions of why a blog exists, many people still need a better understanding of its purpose and nature. I found a reference that said there are over 60 million blogs that are updated at least once a week…

I found a definition: "A blog is a personal site, an online log containing publication of content sorted in chronological order, with the most recent entry (newest post) at the top of the page. Individual entries (logs) are usually dated and time-stamped, and an archive of all previous posts, including the recent post, is generated at the top of the page. The archive is usually found in the sidebar but in some blogs at the bottom of the site or by a link in the top navigation bar. Older entries are archived by month and year or by week and year with a static webpage address (burl address) for each individual entry (posts)."

However, blogs facilitate communication between the reader and the site owner. The author writes about whatever interests them in any writing style that suits their interests. Blogs fall into different subject categories based on their content or niche. Blog content varies greatly and can cover a large subject area that is too numerous to mention here. But what I notice is blogs evolve, much like we as humans evolve. That keeps them interesting… Blogs can take a personal or professional approach. Blogs can represent the author's personality, personal experiences, views, and hobbies. Topics include politics, pets, comics, celebrity gossip, personal diary, etc.

This is what I love about many of my friends. I get to know them and feel comfortable with them as humans, even when I see them very little.

So if you read this far… Thanks for blogging and reading my rambles. I feel like I have so many friends in this fast-paced world, and Blogs help me "keep in touch" on my schedule… when friends' schedules make for actual human interaction, it makes that time much more rewarding! And just because we do not comment... I read and love the fact you are being human and sharing your life with me... my friends.

So, Blog on… and Carry on…


SteveQ said...

First, do what you can with physical therapy before you start thinking about surgery. If there isn't a complete rupture, you'll start laying down new tissue and learning how to work around the injury.

Second, I love hearing from you, if only through the blog. You seem to live life with pure raw emotion, like living a poem. It's beautiful.

Third, way to make me feel guilty, guy. Thanks.

Adam said...

Great post Londell. You're right about the personal aspect to blogs...I follow about 50 different fitness blogs but the ones I always look at first are the people I know.

Mine has become little more than a method to chart my workout regimen for future reference. Occasionally when I have free time it's fun to write about a topic that is on my mind.

Will you be up at Superior in any capacity this year?

Diane said...

Hi Londell,

Thanks for the post... everything you said is so true! I used to be so much better at posting regularly and fell out of the habit. It's sad when an email virus posting is the most exciting blog update in a month. Blah. I did just get my Ragnar Relay update posted, and I bought a new treadmill, so I'll try to be better! i enjoy reading your posts about everything... it's interesting how a blog can really help you get to know a person.

Helen said...

Great post! I love the sharing of info and the insights into people and their approach to life as much as their sport. I mostly follow running blogs but also love to meander through others from time to time. And it's been a lot of fun meeting people in person after following their blog!

Karen G said...

I have been thinking lately about the reason for a blogging and whether to bother anymore. I have trouble writting sometimes- actually probably all the time because I think about who is going to see it and if it is how I want to be seen. I second guess myself a lot about what to write.

Wayne said...

Thanks for the update, Londell. Best wishes getting everything resolved with your shoulder and knee... I hope physical therapy works.

Good post on blogging too. I think it's a good way for us quieter folks to keep up with people and their lives, and it's good ice-breaker material for when we get together.

So I hope Steve and Karen and everyone else keeps blogging! :)

Anonymous said...

yes... 10x for thoughts :))