Sunday, September 1, 2024

September already!

 It is hard to believe that it is September already!  This past week, I've attended many amateur baseball games.  They've all been very competitive and fun.  Tomorrow is the final classy championship game.  It should be rather exciting!

Since I began enjoying Minnesota amateur baseball about a decade ago, this is the first year that it may result in my favorite two teams winning state championships.  Today, the Miesville Mudhens won the class B championship over Air Freight Unlimited 8-1.  Tomorrow, the Jordans Brewers play the Waconia Lakers in the Class C championship at the Mini Met, Jordan, Minnesota.

As stated, I can't believe it's September already!  It is only about seven weeks before I leave on my big trip in mid-Oxtober.  I am taking the trip alone because Shelley has yet to retire.  I aim to start at the southwest point of the Blue Ridge Mountains Parkway and slowly work my way northeast over the 400 miles to the endpoint.  I am trying to plan it when the fall colors are at their optimal levels.  I think I have a much of a deviation in potential times to assure I should get some wonderful photos. 

I wanted to start September with a good, solid workout, yet repairing concrete, painting, and moving two lawns resulted in Charlie horses in my hands and fatigue throughout my body.  In addition, Shelley became severely ill, slipped, and fell and needed significant attention.  Given the holiday weekend, she will go in on Tuesday to verify she has no broken bones or torn tendons.  If I were to guess, it is a severe high ankle sprain.  She can move it, and there is no discoloration.

My mother is also getting more dependent and appears unhappy.  I feel bad that her life was tough, and she looks well over her age of 81.  Below, she was at Pizza Ranch with my brother.  The image tells more than I can describe,

Until next time, Carry on, my friends, carry on!

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