Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Life continues

Retirement has been great, except when I am at home for extended lengths of time.  It is easy to see work that does not need to be done, but I do it anyway since, at some point, it will need to be done.  So, I do these tasks at my own pace, but traveling and wandering are much more enjoyable.

My next trip was planned for a few weeks, heading toward Colorado/Wyoming/Montana for 10 days.  I was most excited about attending the 59th Annual Buffalo Roundup at Custer State Park on September 27.  Well, my early fall plans have now changed.  Shelley fractured her ankle and will require surgery with plates/screws.  So, my first fall trip is canceled.   Oh well, my mate's health is more important! 

I did see something yesterday that really made me laugh.  A guy parked his hybrid car, got out, and walked into the store.  I was waiting for Shelley, who had an appointment.  Then I heard the car engine start as the AC must have been on.  I went to look to see if there was a dog, but nothing in sight.  When the man came out of the store, he asked what I was doing.  I informed him I heard the engine start, and he said, "Damb-it."  He explained that he drives a Tesla, and the hybrid was a loaner.  Since the Tesla key is his phone, he is accustomed to parking the Tesla and leaving, and it automatically is off and locks.  So he parked, left the keys in the car, and left it running out of habit!  Glad it was not stolen!

As I try to limit my political opinions on social media, when I saw the image below, I had to share it, as it expressed my thoughts very well! In addition, Margaret and Helen have a post that, to me, is spot on. It is unfortunate that for the third presidential election in a row, I dislike them all. Just vote with who I dislike less.

Carry on my friends, carry on!

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