Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blog Time Off

Blog posts are further and further in between. Life is so busy. So many changes coming in the next few months!

We are all busy, and life is hard for many. I have no reason to complain, as I have been blessed in so many ways. But there are so many changes that will happen in the coming months. First off, I am moving from Bloomington to Apple Valley. I have looked ahead, and the way it looks, I will not have a weekend free from Tennis or work until late May.

But the biggest issue is my health and wellness. I thought I was going to improve after my surgery in May. But the infection I have been fighting since late 2008 (which is the reason for my May 2010 Surgery) has come back many times or maybe never went away. I have been on strong Black Box Warning Medications (Fluoroquinolone plus others), and weeks later, I visited the Doc, and I got the news, IT'S BACK!

I just finished a round of four different medications 5 days ago. While on them, my chest is clear, I feel solid, and my head feels fine. After a few days without, I feel all the negative impacts return. So, I have decided not to bother friends and followers with my "bad" time. In reality, I am fine; I am just limited.

I am going to continue to work with the doctors and try to beat this, whatever it is. I know that being two weeks on heavy-duty antibiotics, then three weeks off, then two weeks on, and another three to four weeks off... I have just been in that cycle for eight months, and the end is not clear.

Anyway, that is an update and, for now, a sign-off from posting on this Blog. May we get through this winter and my spring be filled with success in beating this infection, which will not go away. Of course, one side of me says if I worked a 40-hour week for a month and reduced the stress, I would improve. But I have commitments, just like we all do, that result in more than 75 hours each week. At my full-time job, where I am just happy to be employed, we are in the hiring freeze, and with the stress of missing three (of 8) important staff members, I am killed at work, and if I miss a day, I go from being a week behind to even more and then I work a few 15 hours days to get things done...

May we all be blessed with good health and wellness as we get through a difficult time.

Carry on, my friends... Signing off and hope to be back in a few months...


Beth said...

Wishing you good health and happiness while you take some time off from your blog. Hope warm weather will find you finished with that blasted infection and less stressed. Take care!!

wildknits said...

Really sorry to hear you are still dealing with that infection!

I think you are right - reducing your stress would aid in healing. And I know this is the thing that can be hardest to do when needing to make ends meet.

At our clinic we often tell folks that if they could just take time to rest at the beginning of an illness they would recover faster. One of the hardest prescriptions to follow!

Hang in there, good luck with the move, and don't forget your probiotics! (after being on all those antibiotics ;->).

SteveQ said...

Yikes. I really hope you get better soon and I see you somewhere on the trails this year.

It's common for people who blog to feel they should only say things that are positive and that they should keep whatever's not right in their lives to themselves. I battled with that idea and found that writing actually helped me. Write when you're ready; we'll be here when you come back.

Mike W. said...

Take care of yourself, get healthy, blogging will be there when you are ready as will running. You can only juggle so many things at one time, adding in more just adds stress even if what you add is supposed to reduce stress.

Now that you are moving to Apple Vally, Lebanon Hills, Murphy and Terrace Oaks are closer. Hope to see you on the trails,