Saturday, April 13, 2024

Went for a walk!

Upon my return, I had a dentist cleaning and needed a root canal and a new crown.  What a lovely gift upon my return.  The tooth has been an issue for over a year, so not surprised.  They were able to schedule it the next day.  I was not much of a problem, and the permanent crown was placed a week later.  It feels fine, and I hope that is the last of the dentist for a while.

On Friday, I was up and went on the first AM walk since I can’t remember.  It was only 1.3 miles and was refreshing, but knee pain cut it short.  I think Shelley was happy I walked with her here.  I think she really misses Porter for the AM walks.

Since the back patio was significantly molded and the steps were rotted, I decided today to clean the patio and replace the steps.  I had to get new wood from Home Depot, and it was a challenge because the steps were over 25 years old.  That was when a 2 x 6 was closer to 6 inches.  Now, the two by-sixes I had were five and three-quarter inches.  They needed to work better to replace a few boards.

The job took just over five hours, but it is done, looks nice and clean, and has solid steps.  I was tired and did not get a bike ride into the day.

I went to the St. Thomas vs. North Dakota softball game on Saturday.  It was a great game, with a one-run victory for St. Thomas.  Afterward, even though it was very windy, I did an 18-mile ride.  The first half was into the wind, and the second was a nice ride!  It was hot, reaching nearly 90 degrees, which was new for me in Minnesota in April!

I have been lifting weights, elliptical training, riding a bike, and watching what I eat.  I refused to weigh myself and risk getting depressed.  I have my annual checkup on the 22nd, and I hope my vitals have improved.  My stress is way down, and I feel much better.  The clothes suggest I am on the right path, but only time will tell.

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