Sunday, December 10, 2023

52 days...

As I think about the next stage in my life, I admit there are some fears. 

I’m afraid of the unknown.  Yes, the future is always unknown.  What do I really know a sure thing about retirement other than it ends with death?  Fear can trigger negative thoughts.  “I’ll have nothing to do, I’ll be a nobody, I’ll fade away.” For me, it won’t be like that.  It will be a time that I can enjoy life without the immense stress of the toxic work environment I have endured for about 5 years!  It will be a new future.

When young people think about their future, they fill it with their dreams.  Well, we’re never too old to dream.  Following the dream can cause change.  I’m slightly afraid of change, but change is inevitable.  That’s why you do not think about the worst way to deal with it; things happen rather than happen. After all, you want them to.

I have spent the past year thinking about what I want to do and what I may enjoy doing.  That has challenged my hard-wired brain to feel happiest at this time of life.  Yes, things never happen the way you plan, right?  Yes, right, as far as some aspects are concerned.  That doesn’t actually matter.  Making the plan is what’s important,

I am getting rid of thoughts of “right” or “wrong.” “Right” suggests only one possible answer, and everything else is “wrong.” Instead, I think of things as “good” or “better” rather than “right.” That change in mindset should generate joy when things go better rather than regret that they’re imperfect.

Giving up full-time work is mentally moving to a new land, like going to school for the first time, going to university, entering a new relationship, being a parent, or starting a job.  I have done it before.  It was always scary.  Yet, I must recall that it is also an opportunity to reinvent myself. 

I’m scared that I know nothing about this big, complicated subject.  And I’m afraid to show how ignorant I am.  Yes, those are natural feelings.  I hope I can persuade myself that they’re unnecessary.  The fear of losing the certainty of the regular paycheck and relying on uncertain investment returns.  But that is my choice.  I am well prepared for this step; now, 52 days away, reality and plan implementation are close.  Here is a photo of me passing the torch to my replacement!  We overlap for a smooth transition!

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