Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Amateur I am

I enjoy photography.  I have posted some of my photos in the past few years.  I do my best to capture scenes and events that, when people see them, fill them with thoughts or emotions.  Sometimes, it is a running event where they can feel the pain or effort of the athlete.  Sometimes, it is a waterfall or nature scene that provides serenity.

This past week, I had the chance to photograph my girlfriend and her two granddaughters meeting the four-year-old baby sister/granddaughter for the first time.  I was nervous!  Could I capture the emotion?  Could I get that perfect image that you sense the feeling every time you see it?

Below are some of the shots; I am proud of the result.

What do you think?  Did they create emotion or thoughts, or are they just another image?

Carry on, my friends, carry on!

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