Friday, December 31, 2021

It is December 31, 2021

Here we are at the end of the year, and WHAT A YEAR.  Who would have thought I would experience a deadlier pandemic than the Spanish Flu in my lifetime.  But I did, and so did you if you read this post.  The Covid-19 pandemic has become the deadliest disease event in American history, with a death toll surpassing the 1918 Spanish flu.  The Spanish Flu was previously the disease event that caused the most significant loss of life in the United States; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 675,000 Americans died during the 1918 pandemic in waves of illness that stretched out roughly two years in this country.  So we are nearing two full years into COVID!  As of today, 5,452,900 worldwide deaths.

So I again say, what a year.  We thought we would see the end of the pandemic.  Well, not exactly.  Just when we thought the thing was ending … hello Omicron!  I hope you have come through it OK so far and can keep safe as we move forward.  This is depressing, so let me change the subject. 

Politics!  This has been a year unlike any I have ever experienced.  My friends say that all news media is lying; they trust Twitter and Facebook more.  I had friends, well past friends, who would not talk to me anymore and have gone so far as to try to disrupt my life because I would not believe their position.  What happened to respect and to listen.  I have a hard time accepting the stupidity I saw in 2021.  For example, some people are shown in the Daily Show Jordan Klepper series.  See it below. In some ways, this is just entertainment; people will call it lies.

I decided to run a test while out in public.  I would ask questions like, "Can you name the Avengers?" I typically received four to six listed without hesitation.  Then I ask, "How many presidents can you name?" I was surprised that not one of those under 35 could name more presidents than Avengers.  I even asked a co-worker if they supported Richard Cater, Bill Obama, or Barack Clinton as President.  I had two of seven correct me.  One stated that Carter was outstanding, but the other two were not Americans and shouldn't have been presidents.  I asked how many State capitals they could name.  One did not know the Capital of Minnesota.  A random person I spoke with while waiting in line at Target.

I wish I were kidding.  I need to gain faith in the general intelligence levels I encounter.  Or is it that I am the one who is now keeping up with the current trends and needs to gain knowledge of events today?  Like those on Facebook?  How can I respond to this?  And then I hear people saying storming the Capital is free speech.  Where will it end?  I also had people criticize me for getting the vaccine and putting unknown and unproven medicine in my body.  All while they eat their Cheetos and Taco Bell and drink Mountain Dew?  Imagine what is really in those products?  As my grandfather once said, you can't control stupidity! 

Well, those were two depressing discussion points? What could be a positive discussion? 

I have dumped Zwift and am using Rouvy for my indoor rides.  There is much more variety and much less crowded.  I have been indoors for five weeks (no outdoor riding in the snow).  Cycling is a low-impact aerobic activity that can benefit a person's health and fitness.  It is a valuable exercise that many people can incorporate into their daily lives as a mode of transport, everyday activity, or competitive sport.  It is a popular physical activity that is relatively easy to start and suitable for most fitness levels.

I averaged just under five rides a week, ranging from 6 to 20 miles per ride. I linked it to my Strava; a sample ride can be seen hereUnfortunately, most of my activities in Strava are not public, so the general public cannot view all rides. I know the regular workouts are hard, and I feel better. Here is to continuing into 2020.   

I will get some additional exercise in the next two weeks. We had a massive tree fall and just missed the house. It must have been earlier this week when we had 50 MPH winds. I will not do any cutting tomorrow as the temperatures are forecast to be -6 as a high and -20 as a low.

I really need to get back into Photography. Work has decreased to about 48 hours a week over the past three months, down from the 60+ I have experienced over the past few years. I am finding ways to balance this more, especially as I am over two years from retiring. I continue to pray I make it to retirement, but with the pandemic and stress, we never know.

Enough ranting and typing without word continuity.  Overall, hope you are healthy and alive.  We can get through this someday.  Happy NEW YEAR!

Carry on, my friends, carry on...