Saturday, September 21, 2024

Alzheimers Walk

With the significant letdown by the Nebraska Cornhusker Football team last night and my concern for Shelley, it was a three-hour sleep night.  We also needed to be up early for the Alzheimers Walk.  Since Shelley was a team captain, we needed to be there by 8:30 AM for the 10:00 AM walk.  However, I was only going so I could push Shelley in the wheelchair!

We arrived at 8:30 AM, and it was raining.  It was easy for Shelley, riding in a wheelchair, to have an umbrella, but pushing the chair, I was SOAKED!  After 15 minutes in the rain, we could find cover until the rain stopped at 10:00 AM.  That was nice; we could walk without increasing the dampness that remained.

They had me take the picture, so it was a break from pushing!

Therefore, I did get the 2-mile walk in this morning, and my right foot was well aware, giving me screaming pain!!!  I am sure it is tendonitis, and I will continue to nurse it.  I want to avoid going in as I am concerned it might impact my planned trip since retiring.  I can have it looked at when I return if it still hurts.

It was early afternoon before we were close to home.  We went to the farmers market to grab a few items for dinner.  Once home, we spent the rest of the day watching football and resting.  

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