Sunday, July 24, 2016

Not a good night

 Last night, I slept rather poorly. My muscles are sore, and I am really out of shape. It was 7 a.m. when the dog made me get up. I took him on a bike ride, about 1.5 miles of running. He needed the workout.  

I rested for a while before buying a small freezer at Best Buy. It did not fit in the car, but gladly, a friend was close, and she picked it up for me. After getting the freezer all setup, I had to rebuild a shelf. I also mowed the lawn and cleaned the garage. All in all, it was a successful day.

Yet I feel exhausted and have intense stomach pains.  I need to get a diet and exercise to lose weight!  I am just sore all the time and so tired. It was 8:15 before I went to lie down, and if it were as usual, it would be house before I fell asleep.  Sucks.

Carry on my friends, carry on!

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