Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Shelley has been healing well and is primarily independent.  There are still some struggles, and things are slower, yet she is stable enough for me to head out on my planned vacation.  Therefore, I will be heading out next week for 55 days away.  As a result, I had to vote early. 

I was surprised but had no issue with the requirement to vote early.  I needed my driver's license on the application for the absentee voting process, and the worker verified the information.  Then, when I voted, I had to add my driver's license number on another document and provide it to the worker.  When I vote on election day, I say my name and address and sign a form to vote.  All this complaining by the GOP about early voting fraud, if there is a chance there was such an issue, no way would it be early voting, based on my experience!

Shelley cannot do much of the fall chores to prepare the home for winter.  So, I am completing all the tasks a few weeks early.  One activity is rodent (mouse) protection.  Over the years, we have struggled to solve the issue.  We use traps, yet the mouse is sometimes half-dead and suffers.  We use poison, but then they die and smell as they rot.  I found a new option on the web to be VERY SUCCESSFUL.  I set up two homemade devices and had over 10 mice the first night.  I have them set up in the garage and back patio.  It is simple, with a ramp and a can that rotates in the middle.  Lace the can with peanut butter and put a few morsels on the rail; it works GREAT!  One side of me said drowning is not a great way, but it seems better than poison and traps?

DIY Mousetrap

My foot is finally feeling a little better, with only occasional pain.  When I return, I will have a physician review the pain, but my tendonitis diagnosis seems accurate.  

Carry on my friends, Carry on!


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Busy is nice

The past week was filled. Beyond caring for Shelley and my mom as needed, I had lunch with two past co-workers on the 25th. We went to Perk-Up Kitchen in Bloomington. I rode my bicycle to the restaurant and was happy to complete the 30-mile ride. This was my second visit, and I enjoyed the meal fully. I had the Chicken Pot Pie and then the BLAT Wrap. The prices are a little more, at $15-$18, but the food is well worth it!

Shelley had her surgery follow-up, and things are healing well.  She is walking with crutches and a boot.  She has completed one physical therapy session in which she focused on stairs.  She is happy she does not need to crawl up or slide down on the backside.  Her mobility is getting better quickly.

On the 28th, we took our mother to Applewood Orchard. She really seemed to enjoy the outing. However, when I saw her on the 30th, she had no clue we went to the orchard.  I had ridden the 34-mile round trip to visit her.  It was sweltering and windy, so it was a hard ride!

Today, since Shelley is doing better, I was able to take some photos.  The birds are migrating, and I thought there may be a great opportunity.  Images are below:

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Dared to ride

Once again, I slept poorly until 5 AM and then solidly until 10 AM.  I just don't get it.  It seems so odd! 

I haven't completed laundry for almost two weeks, and that could not be delayed any longer.  As I started the five loads of laundry, I ran my mother's budget numbers and updated her finances.  Afterward, lawn work and watering were required since it's been very dry.  Due to the unique shape of the yard, about half has to be hand-watered, and it takes an hour.

Once that was completed, I decided to bake some pretzel buns and bites.  Since I retired, I have been trying to improve my pretzel baking, but I only started baking something from scratch.  This batch turned out better than expected!  Maybe I am getting the recipe down?

I did get out for an outdoor bicycle ride.  I have not ridden outside since Shelley broke her ankle.  I was concerned she might need help, and if I had a flat or a breakdown, she could not come to get me.  The was was refreshing, yet my heart rate was high for the exertion level.  I did not have heavy breathing, yet the average heart rate was 121 BPM.  Based on my sleep number bed, my resting heart rate is 55 BPM and an HRV of 153.  


My ride data from Strava 

Mother and Fundraiser

I slept until 10:30 AM, but it was not a restful sleep until about 4:00 AM.  Caring for Shelley and my mother reminds me of an overworked full-time employee in a depressing job.  Some key indicators are little exercise, lack of sleep, decreased diet quality, feeling less social, and being easily agitated.  So when I say depressing, I do not mean soda pressing like the image.  

After breakfast, I visited my mother and completed some care items.  It is so sad visiting.  It is to the point now that I ask what she did yesterday, and she says "nothing, just sat here and watched TV".  Yet my sister took her shopping for groceries Saturday, and my brother was with her yesterday.  I asked her about her last grocery trip, and she said a few weeks.  I asked about the new loaf of bread on the counter (we purchased it three days earlier), and she said it was ancient.  

I came home to prepare for a fundraising gala Shelley was required to attend.   She is the organization's treasurer and has a deep passion for the mission.  It was a typical fundraising gala night until the end when a member got up to encourage donations.  She was over the top and put on the guilt of being there and not donating to the cause.  This caused Shelley to donate an additional $500, and some friends did as well.  The MC pointed out each at the table that she knew donated and said "the rest of you, please help this organization".  Unfortunately, it took a lovely evening and turned it into a carnival. 

For being a short day in hours and few activities, I was ready to call it a night.  

Sunday, September 22, 2024


Last night, even though I slept with the window open below 60 degrees, I woke soaked with sweat.  I needed that to shake off the ill feeling I had been experiencing.  I typically sweat more when I am sick.  I was up at 7:15 AM to help Shelley.  It was laundry day, and she needed the sheets and other items washed.  So once that was started, I made breakfast and did three hours of yard work before resting and watching football.  

We have a neighbor who does nothing for the lawn, and we are constantly fighting all kinds of invasives and critters.  The voles are coming from their yard with a vengeance.  Shelley will not let me poison any critter, including mice (but she will trap and kill mice), so I need to look for options.  

I tried MoleMax, and it appears to have minimal impact.  I also purchased solar vibrating spikes.  The vibration spikes helped a few years ago, but the old ones quit working.  I installed new spikes today and will wait to gauge the results.  If there are successful options anyone would share, please do!

I got out on the bike for a 4.7-mile loop in 17:39 and an average heart rate of 134.  I pushed the pace as I knew it would be short ride.  I hesitate to leave unless it is a short time, as Shelley may need assistance.  If I have an issue, she can't get me, and I have to walk. 

My left foot remains very painful, and my right leg feels fatigued, even though I am not working out.  Is compensating for the foot working out the quad causing the pain?  I will use the leg massager tonight and continue to adjust as needed.  As previously stated, I think the foot issue is tendonitis.

Carry on my friends, carry on.