Thursday, August 8, 2019

Some people arer self centered

I am amazed at the people I hang out with, but they seem normal.  Like my girlfriend, who thinks she is the most conscientious and dedicated person, she lacks dependability.  She said she plans to be home at 6:00 PM, so I leave work to be home at 5:30 PM. I will be here when she gets home, and she arrives at 7:15 PM.  I forget something at home when I get to work and ask if she can drop it off on her way to work (5 minutes out of the way), and she acts like I have just burdened her to hell's end.  So I get in my car and drive 20 minutes home to pick up what I need and then 20 minutes back.   

This is true for most things that we are involved in.  I got a flat tire on my bike and asked if she could pick me up on the way home, and she complained.  It’s irritating as I think we support each other in a relationship, but I get no support.  This is the same for my son.  It just breaks my heart!

I have been getting a little work balance.  I have been below 50 hours per week in the past two weeks.  I still hate going to the office and starting to have a hard time controlling my anger for the shit I have to do, and I seem to have little or no support!  

Part of that involves helping my girlfriend's son-in-law build a wall and patio! That is excruciating work, and my back is starting to hurt badly. One more weekend will finish the job.

I have been more frustrated lately as I want more time for photography and other activities I once enjoyed.  Right now, as I have said before, I hate everything.

Carry on my friends, carry on!