Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Here I go again

Some people never get the opportunity to finish a marathon. You know, that foot race of 26.2 miles. According to the record books, 0.5 percent of America has completed a marathon. There were 551,811 marathon finishers in the United States in 2011. They also say the average person trains 40 miles weekly for the marathon. If I were a rookie, I would agree, but after doing more than 60 races of a marathon or greater distance, I quit training and run one per year. That is in June, and I am getting close to 30 consecutive years. If I make it, great; if I do not, bummer. It has been more than half my life I am making this annual trek. I want to quit doing it, but I want to keep on doing it… I will never understand human behavior.

It has been over a month since I updated anything on this site. Humans have such great intentions, and nothing comes out of many. This may be normal, but it bothers me! Is this a result of embarrassment that I am doing nothing? Is it the result of being busy? Is it a product of too much to say and a lack of sorting through the crap? One side of me thinks it is just life that no one cares about, so why write? Either way, a little is better than nothing.

My relationship is still much the same old thing. I don't know why we keep on as we get along, but she works different hours. I generally leave for work at 7 AM, and she leaves at 9 AM. I am home at 5:30, and she is at 7:00. I hate to eat dinner at 8 PM, and she loves to cook. On weekends, she loved to tinker on the lawn, and I wish there were no lawns to maintain. I don't know what goes on in lovemaking, either. She always complains of being sore. Her face looks in pain. It makes it all less than enjoyable. Of the last six times, she was in pain three and laughed when we finished. Great for the ego! I do not understand her!

For the past few months, I have followed a specific diet of no dairy, no Gluten, and very little processed food. I feel better, but I am not losing much weight. I have not weighed myself since April 13, when I was 289 pounds—growing to 289 pounds of fat hurt. I will weigh myself next week to see what I have lost. It could be happy or could be sad. Either way, I expect something in between. I have worked hard and dieted hard. Is it all worth it?

Carry on my friends, Carry on!